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Great news for our valued customers! We're excited to announce that we now offer tax-exempt purchasing options. At Tyndale FRC, we understand the importance of maximizing your savings, which is why we've streamlined the process to make it easier than ever for qualifying customers to enjoy tax-exempt purchases. Whether you're a nonprofit organization, government entity, or eligible business, this initiative is designed to enhance your experience and provide even greater value. Explore our range of products and services with confidence, knowing that you can now enjoy the benefits of tax exemption. Discover how Tyndale FRC is dedicated to empowering your success while saving you time and money.
To ensure a seamless experience in placing a tax-exempt order, the initial step is simple: submit a copy of your tax-exempt certificate before placing your order. This vital documentation allows us to verify your tax-exempt status efficiently and configure your customer account as tax-exempt.
After submitting your tax-exempt certificate, keep an eye on your account to track when your tax-exempt status has been activated. We understand the importance of timely access to tax-exempt purchasing, and our team works diligently to expedite the verification process. Once enabled, you will see the exemption enabled status and expiration date update on your account dashboard (shown below). Thank you for your patience as we work to enhance your purchasing experience at Tyndale FRC.

Unfortunately, no. Orders placed and fulfilled before setting up tax-exempt on your account can not be adjusted. The previous order would need to be returned, if eligible, so a new order can be placed.
Yes. There is a two-hour hold period where we can can make any changes necessary to the order before your order is allocated for shipment. If you are charged sales tax in error, please contact us during normal business to update your order.
If the order has allocated and/or shipped, we can no longer edit the order or issue a refund on the sales tax amount. The order will have to be returned and a new order placed.