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Free & Easy Returns
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, Tyndale gladly accepts returns of unwashed, unworn, and unaltered items within 60 days.
Our online return process is fast and completely free. Just follow three simple steps:

Log in to your account and click "View" next to order history. Select your order and follow the prompts to print your FREE Return Shipping Label and Return Slip for eligible items.
To complete an exchange, request a return and place an order for the replacement items.

Once the label and slip are printed, place the return items and Return Slip inside a bag or box. Seal the box or bag shut and securely attach the Return Shipping Label to the outside using clear tape. Drop it off at any UPS location.
You can find your nearest UPS location by visiting and clicking locations.

Your return is scanned upon receipt at our distribution center, and within 48 hours, your card is credited.
We will send you an email confirming your return.
You can always visit your Order History page for the latest status of each order.
Any products returned must be unwashed, unworn, and unaltered. Tyndale will not accept returns of any products that have been washed, worn, or altered.
Returns & Exchanges FAQ
Your account is credited within two business days from receipt at our distribution facilities. We will send you an email confirming your return.
To complete an exchange, we kindly ask that you initiate the process by returning your original order. Meanwhile, to ensure a seamless transition, we recommend placing a new order for the item you wish to exchange. This will help expedite the process and ensure that you receive your desired item as soon as possible. If you need any assistance or have any questions about the exchange process, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer support team. We're here to help make this process as smooth as possible for you.
Don’t worry! Tyndale can still process the return as long as the Return Shipping Label is securely attached to the outside.
The Return Shipping Label and Return Slip can only be printed for items that have been purchased within 60 days. If your order has been placed within 60 days and you don't see an option to initiate a return, please contact our customer support team to process your return.
Tyndale does not accept items that have been washed, worn, or altered. If you the item being returned does not meet our requirements, we will sent the item back to you and cancel your return request.